The 3 Killer Tips to Attract The Opposite Sex
Most of the time, people would just ask themselves "How do I make him/her notice me?"out of the blue when they encounter with someone attractive. One may think, "I'll flirt my way through and he/she will notice me somewhat". Then again, do you think that you had struck the main point in attracting the apple of your eye? Think again.
When you are in love, you tend to do the stupidest things at times and fail to let your attraction shine to that significant someone. Being the third person viewing the incident from the sidewalk of your scene, I am able to provide you with 3 killer tips for both male and female to attract the opposite sex!
Before in which I may begin, what do you think that these tips would mainly be concerned of? Beauty? Sex appeal? Inner Beauty? Attitude? Personality? Character?
Maybe a little bit of something combined from the above mentioned, however, as a reminder to a long lasting relationship, choosing beauty or sex appeal to be your main weapon as an attraction to the opposite sex during the early phases could be deadly as what appears to be growing further on in the relationship would not be love but LUSTS.
1.) TALK with your eyes.
There was a saying that says that action speaks louder than words, in this case, let your eyes do the talking. It is cleverer for your eyes to express yourself rather than using fancy words to impress the one you're after. Whether your target is a female or male, look into their eyes when you are talking or when you are NOT talking. You might probably think that I'm a crazy lunatic for asking you to stare at your target even when you are talking and not talking as it appears that it would require you to stare at him/her the WHOLE TIME. Well my friend, learn to do it appropriately. That's why you would need the following hint. When both of you had ran out of topic to talk about when you are both sitting down together, let your gaze linger a little at his direction, make your target feel that he/she is the only one that you are paying attention to at the moment and that no one else in that place could take your attention away from him/her! This would definitely increase your attraction towards him/her because it shows that you are serious and at the same time sweet towards him/her!
2.) Show your considerate and understanding side.
Do not get angry or throw tantrums at that significant someone whom you want to attract when things don't go your way. For instance, he/she may have an important appointment last minute and would be forced to cancel the meet-up that you two had agreed on and it would NOT be okay for you to throw tantrums or get angry at him/her.
Let it go, do not take it as a big deal and reschedule for the next meet-up. Don't get too upset over it and post your anger on Facebook or your Twitter. He/she would definitely not appreciate what you are doing and your impression towards him/her would be absolutely lessened! Take it easy and talk nicely to him/her. He/she will love to hear words of understanding instead of words that can make them feel remorseful. By showing your considerate and understanding side, he/she could have a good impression about you overall and you might just be in their list of "who-to-date"!
3.) Do NOT ask too many or inappropriate questions.
Although you may think that you can understand more about him/her by asking them tonnes of questions, you are wrong. How would you like if someone asks you a lot of questions about you/your family/your career/your friends? Sure, to you it may seem that you are showing concern as well as gathering information for yourself but you would struck to him/her as an ANNOYING PERSON and no, you do NOT want that!
When you are asking sensitive questions like "How much do you earn a month?", it is inappropriate and your image would make you look like you are very money-minded. He/she would back off from you because you are invading his privacy! If you are very keen to understand more about him/her, let him/her do it willingly without asking when they feel like it. This way, you would know that they are currently comfortable with you and trusts you enough to let you know these personal details.
To him/her, not asking too many questions is good because it shows that you have the maturity to respect other people's privacy. Maturity that is built is ATTRACTIVE because it makes him/her wants to be with you due to the fact that you are able to comprehend the situation that he/she is in.
Bear these tips in mind when you want to attract the opposite sex and it would do you NO wrong! Remember to talk with your eyes at the appropriate times, be considerate and understanding to him/her and do NOT ask too many inappropriate questions. I hope that these few tricks would help you in the long run in your love life whether you are single or already in a relationship.
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